Friday, February 18, 2011

Local Area Network (LANs)

What is LAN
LAN stands for Local Area Network, in simple terms, It means computers and devices are inter-connected with each other within a building or facility, where peaople can share resources, devices with one computer to another.
LANs make it possible for business that use computer technology tolocally share files and printers efficiently and make internal communication possible, such as e-mail. LANs tie together data, local communicatio, and computing equipment.

LANs are designed to do the following:
  • Operate within a limited geographic area
  • Allow many users to access high-bandwith media
  • provide full time connectivity to loacl services
  • connect physically adjacement devices
Some Common LAN Topologies are:
  • Ethernet
  • Token Ring
  • FDDI

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